Sunday, September 15, 2013

A lot of everything...

Back in the swing of things, for the most part, but thank heavens for the weekend! Jackson actually slept from 11pm-7:30am last night; I slept, too, but I will admit I did get up twice to make sure he was breathing. He was.

During the week, I think we've figured out getting up (I need to get up earlier), going to daycare (which will be its own post someday soon), arriving at school, working all day, and then...the best part of the day: the hour in which I pick up my son and get to see my husband after a long day. These days, our evenings are filled with baths (Jacks gets one every day because of daycare), feedings, figuring out something healthy to eat for dinner, and working out (if possible - sometimes it is really not).

I am LOVING my new prep this year: World Lit II. We are getting ready to start Sophocles' Antigone this week, and I am pumped. I am teaching it against the backdrop of MLK's "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" to give the whole idea of civil disobedience a more contemporary context. I also get to go over the history of theatre (originating in Ancient Greece), and you know I just love that. Creative Writing is also equally as fun - lots of good brains in there. I know they will come up with some really interesting stuff this semester.

I also want to post things about Jackson on here - my dad suggested I write things down since he is two months old and really starting to change on a daily basis. Here are some observations:

- Jackson is a really wonderful baby. He sleeps really well, eats well, and only cries when he is hungry. He's pretty relaxed, and turning out to be a lot of fun. Don't get me wrong, he has been fun since Day 1, but recently...
- He has started to smile. This is seriously the best thing in the world. It doesn't matter that I have over 500 pictures of this kid (mind you, he is only 2 months old - how many does that average a day?!), but even though I can capture this on camera, I cannot capture how his smile makes me FEEL. And then I realize words cannot describe this feeling, so, you know. Or maybe you don't.
- Jackson has also started to "talk" which is also the best thing ever. More to come on that soon, I'm sure.

Right now, he is 12 pounds/6 ounces, is 23 3/4 inches long, wears 3 month size clothing, is in size 1 diapers, and eats 4 oz at a time.

Alright - time to get caught up on laundry and get ready for the Ravens/Browns game at 1:00pm.

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