Thursday, August 22, 2013

School Year 2013-2014.

So hard to believe it is finally here. Also, a bit embarrassing that I have not blogged in a long time. In my defense, I did have other things going on.

My summer was magical. I gave birth to my son on July 3, 2013. His name is Jackson. He was 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and 19 inches long. I always knew that becoming a parent would be amazing, but this experience has been truly AWE-some. The strangest part is a) he was a major part of me for the better part of a year and 2) he looks like me. It is so wild to look down and see parts of yourself looking back.

Not to gloat, but my kid is cool. He is mild-mannered, sweet-tempered, inquisitive, and calm. He sleeps (for now); he eats well; he is healthy. Jackson is one cool cat, and I cannot remember my life without him. Also, my husband rocks; he is one fantastic father.

I am looking forward to this school year, especially this class, my new prep (World Lit II), and getting back into some sort of schedule.

Bring it.

PS - Ben Affleck just announced as the new Batman. Thoughts?

PPS - Good luck to all the newly-moved in freshmen in college! Enjoy the journey!

1 comment:

  1. Love Jackson and I haven't even met him properly! And I hope and least one of your creative writing kids loves this blog project as much as me.
