Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Stolen (again) from Katie B

What is your favorite kind of weather?
What my dad refers to as "open window night" weather. When it is warm enough to have the windows open, but cool enough to still cuddle up. The best.

Dream occupation when you were little?
I wanted to be either a teacher or dermatologist. Go figure.

What was your favorite toy from your childhood?
I remember the character's name was Patty Rabbit, but I cannot remember what show she was on...I thought she was cool because she wore a bracelet? necklace? anklet? around one of her big bunny ears.

What is the best thing about your family?
I can turn to them for absolutely anything. Also, we all genuinely like each other, which, as I have come to realize, is a rarity in most families...

What’s your favorite album for a rainy day?
Probably some sort of Broadway musical album, but I'm not sure which? OBC Les Mis? Maybe Rent.

Do you prefer texting, emailing, Skyping, or old fashioned mail?
Texting is quick and works for short conversations.
Emailing is great because I can really think about my words and use them wisely.
I do not Skype, but I FaceTime; does that count?
Old fashioned mail is awesome. One of the reasons I love Christmas so much is because of all of the snail mail that comes every day - it's better to get letters from loved ones than mail from credit card companies!

If you could change one thing about the last movie you watched, what would it be? 
I would change one thing in Django Unchained, even though I know why Tarantino did this. Won't discuss here because I do not want to spoil it for anyone!

 Who do you consider to be the greatest fictional villain ever created?
While I'm on the topic of Tarantino, probably Col. Hans Landa from Inglourious Basterds. He is so evil, but so calm and collected. Gives me the shivers.
From literature, probably--not to be lame or surface--Voldemort from the HP series or Alexander Zalachenko from the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. 

What’s the one TV/movie/book series etc that you see all over and are sure that you will never, ever get into? 
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe series by C.S. Lewis. Couldn't do it.

A band/ singer/ artist decides to write a song about you; which band/singer/artist would you like that to be?
Adele, just because I LOVE her voice.No, strike that. Julie Andrews, because she is a diety.

What’s one book you wish you could have written?
One of the early Tracy Chevalier books (Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Virgin Blue, Falling Angels, The Lady and the Unicorn). I love those.

What was the most memorable book you read in 2012?
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Love the time travel. Love the kilts. Love the love. Mmmmm.

What did you find was the biggest let down of 2012?
I cannot say that I really had a let down in 2012. I got married, went on an amazing honeymoon, was able to get pregnant quickly, and just generally have a great time doing it all. No complaints, but am excited for what lies ahead!

What did you find was the biggest pleasant surprise of 2012? 
Learning that I was pregnant in October. Other than that, getting tickets to Wimbledon Centre Court and watching my husband in a state of giddyness for 8 hours straight!

What is one thing you’re planning on doing this year?
Becoming a mother. Woah.

What do you want to achieve this year?
I want to have a healthy baby and a smooth pregnancy and delivery. But more than anything, a healthy baby. It's really crazy to think about, even though I am almost 14 weeks pregnant. Wow!

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