Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May and 10 month olds

Happy May!

The weather is warm, the flowers are blooming, and my son just turned 10 months old. He is seriously the most fun, most charming, most joyful thing in my life. 

Currently, Jackson...
- weighs upwards of 25 pounds
- wears Size 5 diapers and 18 month clothes
- has both bottom teeth and his top teeth have broken through
- sleeps through the night (usually goes to bed between 7:30 and 9pm and wakes up between 6:30 and 8am)
- loves to eat Cheerios (which he feeds himself), carrot & sweet potato mash, avocados, apples & lentils, and whatever we eat...we have had success with feeding him at the table. Tonight he tried mashed banana with berry sauce (homemade...wonder how much longer I'll feel like making food for him? Probably always.)
- army-crawls on the floor
- rolls over in a deceptively fast way
- sucks his thumb
- loves to have "The Itsy, Bitsy Spider" sung to's the key to his relaxation.

Being his mom is the thrill of my life.

We are gearing up for Liz's wedding: her shower is in 2 weeks, followed immediately by her Bachelorette Party in Charlottesville, which should be a blast. I am so excited for her.

The end of the school year is fast-approaching...the poor seniors are so ready to be done. Soon enough. Am teaching WUTHERING HEIGHTS right now to the sophomores, and we are watching THE GODFATHER in my film class. Good times.

Off to make some Thai chicken lettuce wraps!

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