Tuesday, January 14, 2014

6 months old - WHAT?!

My sweet Jacks is 6 months old.
Currently, he is...
- wearing Size 4 diapers and 9 month clothing
- a solid 18 lbs, 14 oz
- in the 50-75% for weight and height, but 90% for head circumference
- rolling over (back to belly and belly to back!)
- smiling all of the time
- eating solids (we've tried applesauce, sweet potato/butternut squash, peas, pears, and yogurt...he loves it all - avocado is next!)
- sleeping from 9:30/10pm until 7:00am (much to our delight!)
- getting his first tooth (bottom front right)
- absolutely the best thing ever

I live for waking up in the morning and seeing his smile--it saddens me that this gummy goofy smile will not be there for long. He seems to be adjusting well to his new tooth. I love picking him up from daycare (need to post about daycare), giving him baths, holding him, hearing him laugh, feeding him.

I adore everything about being a mom. Even the poop.

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