Tuesday, November 3, 2015

First post of the 2015-2016 school year!

Wow, so I'm a bit behind in my blogging of late. As ever, I better write down observations of my son because he's growing so fast, and I'm sure I'll forget what he did when he was two.

So...Jackson update 11/3/2015:
- currently weights 35 pounds
- sleeps through the night (mostly) in his TODDLER bed
- loves Thomas and Friends, watching "movies" [on Netflix], Minnie Mouse (i.e. anything Disney)
- just sat through his first movie: Frozen on Halloween
- is obsessed with apples, cheese sticks, yogurt (but only if he can feed himself), toast, and sweets
- is Size 3T/4T in clothes
- loves reading books, specifically Battle Bunny, anything Bubble Guppies, and Good Night, Beach.

- does a stellar job kicking a "tah-ter" ball (with his left foot)

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