Monday, February 9, 2015

Mad updates here...

I am embarrassed that I have not blogged since before Jackson's birthday - so much to share about his growth over the past seven months!

He started to really walk the weekend after Thanksgiving when we were in Rehobeth. It's been so exciting to see him become more and more mobile over the past eight weeks!

Over the holiday break, his vocabulary really blew up - we are now up to the following words:
- mama/dada
- bah-ball (basketball)
- Deedee (Brendan)
- nana (banana)
- uh-oh (for everything ranging from "I'm hurt" to "I dropped something" to "I heard something fall")
- hot
- hat
- Pop
- Tash (my cousin's girlfriend)

...okay, maybe not that many, but the sounds he makes are words, and I can understand them.

He makes this really funny sound when he wants something - kind of like "uh-huh" but cuter.

Right now, he LOVES basketball. He loves watching it, "shooting hoops" with his grandpa (my dad: we call him "G-Rex"), and dunking on his Little Tikes basketball hoop.

Another funny thing: he loves watching figure skating. He tries to jump when he sees the skaters do it. Hysterical.

We found out in December that he has a peanut allergy, which is unfortunate, but he could grow out of it, right?

Picture attached. He's the best.

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