Friday, October 25, 2013

24 Hours to Process

I need 24 hours to process things. 

This means that I should not make any major life decisions without taking 24 hours to let the thought/idea/anger/energy high settle. Maybe my "problem" is that I initially react emotionally (hey, I am a Leo/fire sign!) and then need to cool off. Because too often my intense happiness or extreme anger cloud my good judgement.

In the last week I have found myself really angry one day, but more focused and calm the next day. Maybe my opinion has not changed, but my emotional response has. I also got overly emotional over n issue at school, but the next day I was able to see a more clear image of the bigger picture.

All I know for sure is that sleep helps and that I am still figuring out things about myself.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Jackson found his hands!

In the past few days, my son has found his hands.

It's hysterical.

He looks at one hand while the other encircles his head; during this process, he usually smacks himself in the face. He then mashes both hands on his cheeks and nose until they find each other.

Sometimes one hand hitting his mouth will result in his sucking that hand's thumb; this is usually the right one - is he right-handed?

He continues to smile a whole lot - his eyes sparkle when he does. There is literally no better feeling in the world.

We've moved to Size 2 diapers - 12-18 pounds. Wow!

I love being a mom.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Please do not make my sensitivity wear out...

Please do not make my sensitivity wear out.

This can occur when you continuously do not meet my expectations.

I try my hardest to be kind, polite, clear with my instructions, attentive to details, and aware of the fact that there are things that go on in people's lives that they may not advertise or wear on their sleeve.

But after feeling slighted, mocked, whispered about under one's breath, and ignored, my sensitivity begins to wear out.

And this makes me tired, irritated, and a little sad.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Just BLOG about it!

Having a good day? Just blog about it.

Having a bad day?  Just blog about it.

Need to vent about your parents, classmates, or Creative Writing teacher? Just blog about it.

Tired of reading the same old stuff because you think your own words are more interesting? Just blog about it.

Enjoy cooking and want to post a recipe?  Just blog about it.

Visit NYC and see a celebrity walking down the street?  Just blog about it.

Ever eat something that was so amazing but you were alone and were without your phone so you could not tell anyone about that incredible soy burger with sprouts, wasabi, and chocolate? Just blog about it.

Drop your book on your foot and break your foot resulting in an overnight stay in the hospital where you were on heavy pain meds, had multiple x-rays, and find out you need surgery? Just blog about it.

Change your son's diaper only to realize that in the midst of changing said diaper he has, in fact, urinated all over himself? Just blog about it.

Think your friendly neightborhood librarian is funny, smart, AND cool? Just blog about it.

Have an hour-long conversation with someone only to realize after you are done that you've had spinach in your teeth?  Just blog about it.

Enjoy watching people eat their ice cream, observing moments of pure, unadulterated bliss? Just blog about it.

Tired of reading this blog? Just blog about it!