Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Almost 1 Year old!

My son will be one year old in about two weeks!

Currently, Jackson...
- is crawling (no longer army-crawling on his belly...last week, he just sort of got up on his knees and went for it) all around the house
- is in Size 5 diapers and 18 month clothing
- has (at least) six teeth
- is starting to pull himself up, but he has yet to master standing (soon enough)
- says "da da da da da da" a lot, along with cooing and "whispering"
- loves to eat food by himself, specifically macaroni & cheese and blueberries
- is fascinated with Brewski, our dog
- loves to smile and laugh
- enjoys books at bedtime
- went to the beach for the first time last week
- had his first double-ear infection last week

So...lots going on. We continue to fall deeper in love with out wee Jacks!